What Is A Challenge?


What Is A Challenge?

The word 'challenge' is often used for a competitive situation, but also for overcoming a difficulty individually. Since 30 Day Groove is not involved in competing, we take the latter road: overcoming a personal difficulty. Our challenge comes from inside. Can we commit to a self-chosen challenge for 30 days? Can we see it through?

Individual challenges can be of a very different nature.There are days when everything can be challenging: some cannot get out of bed, some drop their toothbrush, some don't find the words for anything this particular morning. On a more serious level: some don't even know what to eat and where to sleep.

Let's describe 'challenge' here as a personal choice of action that you commit to on a daily basis for 30 days. You can check it off every evening (or whenever you finished it) in 30 Day Groove and an inspiring, supportive quote will show up.

A challenge is not the same as 'practice' although the two are closely linked. If you want to write a story in 30 days you practice writing which includes your imagination as the story goes on, so, a mechanical practice doesn't do the job. Only intentional or deliberate practice will get you anywhere (this will be discussed in another post). It is important to set a certain time that is manageable for you.

Fortunate Are Those Who Take The First Steps.

Paulo Coelho

Here are some types of challenges:

  1. what you have to do
  2. what you'd like to do
  3. what you love to do

Those three imply different motivations:

  1. pressure, deadline, external must, suffering, goal (achievement) oriented, felt effort
  2. 'could', always vague, more the consumerist type: you would like to have done it but are not really up for the doing
  3. intrinsic motivation. If pursued: becomes a continuous fountain of inspiration and interest.

You may write down three columns according to 1.2.3 above and put some possible contenders where you think they belong. Do you feel a preference? Then take it and run with it. You can always change it after 30 days :)


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