How To Have Fun With Your Challenge


How To Have Fun With Your Challenge

1. Switch From 'I have to do it' To 'I want to do it' To 'I love to do this'.

The difference between the first two feels like headwind or tailwind. The third is pure sailing. Sure it is still you who has to practice, but it feels a lot different with an intentional approach. And even more after you released that intention.

2. Start Fresh Everyday.

Maybe you heard this one before. It is like doing a practice within a practice. Comparing every day and every action right now with something you did yesterday is like matching a sailboat to a coffin. You cannot use your breath from yesterday. If you adjust to 'normality' you miss an infinite world of possibilities. Before you do that you may want to look at things differently.

If You Have No Will To Change It, You Have No Right To Criticize It.

Mark Twain

3. Share Your Process On Social Media (Even Start A Group).

It is empowering just to feel that others are in it, too, albeit with different experiences. You can share feelings, victories and defeats, insights, outlooks, new perspectives, old habits, topics and issues . . .  and anything else related to your challenge in particular. You can support and empower each other which is fun both on the giving and on the receiving side.

4. Change It If it Doesn't Serve You Anymore.

This one is quite delicate. You will find out about the fine line between giving in to resistance and going ahead and trying to resolve it. It is up to your personal judgement: does it feel like an outworn, un-inspiring way of doing something or can you still anticipate a evolution, even a breakthrough? Throw out everything beyond its expiration date.

5. Let Curiosity And Interest Guide You Through The Project.

If you get this one, you have found a real nugget. An investigation is something interesting, something with potential for discovery and
development. You can't lose when you turn any challenge in your life into a research project (big or small) with lots of interesting questions to ask and (un-expected) answers to find.

6. Every Day Counts: Enjoy Your Authenticity.

Why else would you do anything? Still so many forget.


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